The name of this corporation is the Lebo Baptist Church of Lebo, Kansas, herein referred to as “the Church.”
We believe in the Bible and look to it as our only written authority. We believe this sacred writing to be inspired by God, and therefore trustworthy in revealing to us God’s truth and love. Central to its message is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Son of man, who through His life, death, and resurrection provides forgiveness of sin and a new relationship for us with God and with fellow believers.
The purpose of this Church is to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, both here and abroad; to win people to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior; to preach and teach the Word of God; to observe the ordinances of the Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; and to provide for Christian fellowship and the public worship of God. To this end we pledge to worship, to work, and to witness; proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ until He comes again.
This Church shall be associated with the American Baptist Churches of the Central Region and the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A.
This Church may join and participate in ecumenical activities approved by the Church.
Section 1. Baptism
The Greek word is “baptize,” meaning “to dip under.” According to the Scriptures, immersion best illustrates the deep meaning of baptism. More important than the way of baptism, however, is that is should be experienced only by persons who have made a conscious decision to accept and follow Christ. It shall be administered by the Pastor or some person duly authorized by the Church.
Section 2. The Lord’s Supper
We observe Communion (the Bread and the Cup), in memory of the sufferings of Christ. Our custom is to do this, at a minimum, on the first Sunday of each month, as deemed appropriate by the Pastor(s) and at special services. The Lord’s Supper is for all believers and all who belong to Him are gladly welcome to share these moments with our members. The Pastor and/or Deacons shall officiate at the Lord’s Table. In the absence of the Pastor and /or Deacons, the Church may choose someone duly authorized to serve in this place.
Section 1.
All active members of the Church are members of the corporation.
Section 2.
The fellowship of this Church is open to all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender, who come seeking forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
The members of this Church in full and regular standing shall consist of persons who:
- Profess a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
- Have voluntarily participated in baptism as a believer as a testimony of salvation.
Section 1. Government
The governing body of the church is its active membership.
Section 2. Qualifications
Any person holding an office in the Church (as stated in the bylaws) excluding auxiliary organization of the Church, must be an active member of the Church.
Section 1. Amendments
Amendments to the constitution are adopted by a vote of ¾ of the active adult (16 years of age or older) members present and voting at a duly called meeting, provided that the following criteria are met:
- The proposed amendments are to be read from the pulpit at least two Sundays prior to the monthly meetings at which the amendments will be discussed.
- The proposed amendments will be discussed at the regular monthly business meeting of the Church.
- The proposed amendments will be voted on at the following monthly meeting of the Church.
Section 2. Interpretation
Matters concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this Constitution shall be referred to the Board of Deacons for recommendation to the Church.
Section 3. Superseding Previous Action
The adoption of this Constitution shall supersede and render null and void all previous constitutions.
Section 4. Effective Date
This Constitution shall be effective as of December 1, 2021.
A Covenant Relationship is a voluntary agreement by members of this Church body whereby each promises to conduct their lives in such a way as to glorify God and promote the mission of His Church. Every member should study it carefully, refer to it often, and seek to live by it. The Church Covenant shall be accepted by new members prior to giving the right hand of fellowship.
Having been led by the Holy Spirit to receive our Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and having been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the presence of God we choose to enter into this covenant with one another.
We desire to be a fellowship of believers who actively seek the salvation of the lost, enable the growth of each believer in discipleship and maturity, warmly welcome all people, support and nurture individuals and families, and minister the love of Christ to this community. To this end we commit ourselves to:
- Faithfully attend opportunities for worship, study, and service.
- Contribute cheerfully to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the Church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel to all nations.
- Serve willingly in accordance with our spiritual gifts and opportunity.
Desiring a close walk with Christ in our personal life we pledge ourselves to:
- Maintain an active personal and family devotional life.
- Seek to be obedient to Christ in our daily living.
- Live in the world in ways and habits that honor Jesus Christ.
- Actively seek the salvation of our family and acquaintances.
- Spiritually train our children
- Develop a servant’s heart.
- Discover and use our gifts to serve others. Care for our bodies properly as temples of the Holy Spirit and avoid experiences and habits which defile the body and hinder our witness.
Believing that we have special responsibilities to the Church family we pledge ourselves to:
- Watch over one another in brotherly love.
- Aid one another in need.
- Pray for one another.
- Cultivate Christian sympathy toward each other.
- Warmly welcome those who visit the Church.
- Speak only those things that minister grace to others and that build others up.
- Be slow to take offense and always ready to seek reconciliation. Acknowledging our human frailties and ever seeking forgiveness and reconciliation, we profess anew our need of the Holy Spirit, and we commit our lives and this Church to the lordship of Jesus Christ. We promise that when we leave this fellowship we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word.
Section 1. Admission of members.
Persons may be received into membership by any of the following methods; subject in each case to a vote of the Church:
- Baptism – A person who confesses Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who is in essential agreement with the doctrine and practice of this Church may be received into the membership of the congregation following his or her baptism by immersion.
- Letter – Any previously baptized person who declares substantial accord with the doctrine and practice of this Church may be received by communication from any other Baptist Church or Church of like faith and practice.
- Christian Experience – A believer, of worthy character, who has formerly been a member of a Church of like doctrine and practice and who, for a sufficient reason, cannot present a letter from that church but who is in substantial accord with the doctrine and practice of this Church may be received upon statement of his or her Christian experience.
- Restoration – Any person who has lost his or her membership for any reason may be restored to membership upon recommendation of the Board of Deacons followed by a vote of the full Church membership.
- Handicapped - The severely ill or handicapped person may be accepted for membership by any method deemed appropriate by the Board of Deacons.
Section 2. Types of Membership
The membership of the Church shall be designated as resident, non-resident, and watchcare.
- Resident
- Active Membership – those members who attend any service of public worship or who share in the financial support of the Church during the year shall be active members. Members who, for reasons approved by the Board of Deacons, are unable to attend Church or who are unable to contribute to the financial support of the Church, may be active members. Only the number of active members shall be officially reported.
- Inactive Membership – Any member who has not been in attendance at a public worship service or whose name does not appear as a giver of record during any period of twelve (12) months, or who does not give other indication of being interested in continuing as an active member may, on the recommendation of the Board of Deacons, be placed on the inactive list.
- Non-Resident Members
- The Church Clerk shall maintain a non-resident membership roll which shall contain the names of members who have moved from the Lebo area and who because of distance cannot reasonably be expected to attend the public worship services, but who nevertheless continue to express an interest in the affairs of the Church, and who indicate a desire the be continued as members of the Church.
- Watchcare Membership
- Watchcare Members – Believers who already have a church membership but desire, while living in this area temporarily, to be under the care of this Church may request watchcare status. Watchcare members have the privilege of voting in all Church matters except for the call of a Pastor and will be considered for quorum.
- Participating Friends – Christians who want to participate in the activities of this Church, but do not want to become full members may, by their request, become participating friends. Participating friends do not have voting privileges.
- Student Membership – Students professing faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior may become student members. Student members will not be requested to give up membership in home churches.
Section 2. Duties
Every member of the Church is expected to perform the following duties:
- Advance God’s mission in the world by living out the purposes of this Church, as stated in the Constitution (Article II).
- Take an active interest in the business of the Church.
- Attend meetings
- Have a servant heart and accept and serve appointments
- Financially support the Church as able
- Update contact information for the Church directory to the Church secretary
Section 3. Intervention and Discipline of Members
Occasionally there may be a need for intervention in a member’s life to help him/her face and deal with a situation that is destructive within the body of Christ. These guidelines are neither procedures or rules. Their purpose is to help each person experience the love of God and the abundant life He wishes all to experience.
The Scriptures direct the Church to intervene and discipline members so that it is obedient to the Word, maintains the reputation of Christ, sustains the integrity of the Church, and meets the needs of the member.
- Any church member wo believes intervention is necessary may bring that concern to the Pastor and/or a member of the Board of Deacons.
- If the Pastor or a Deacon concludes that intervention is appropriate, a recommendation will first be brought to the Board of Deacons.
- The decision to intervene will be the responsibility of the Board of Deacons after consultation with the Pastor.
- The Pastor and the Board of Deacons shall select the fewest people necessary for the intervention based upon relationships, gifts, and experience.
- All discussions and communications concerning an intervention shall be kept in strict confidence.
- The guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17 and Galatians 6:1 shall be followed in any intervention. If such counseling does not result in repentance, the Board of Deacons shall recommend consequences for the unrepentant member up to and including suspension from Church office and/or Church membership.
- Prior to suspension, the unrepentant member shall be notified by the Church in writing of his/her right to be heard before the Church is desired. Any suspension shall be recommended by the Board of Deacons at a regular or special business meeting.
Section 3. Dismissal of Members
Persons may be dismissed from membership, without any name being removed from the Church records, by any of the following methods:
- Death.
- Letter – Any member in good standing may receive a letter of transfer to unite with any other church of like faith and order by a vote of the Church.
- Exclusion – Should any member become an offense to the Church and its good name by reason of un-Christian conduct or by persistent breach of covenant vows, his or her membership may be terminated by Church vote, upon the recommendation of the Board of Deacons.
Section 4. Inactive Members
- A member, who fails to attend or maintain contact with the Church in some way, for a period of one year, shall be considered an inactive member.
- Any inactive member can obtain a letter of transfer or dismissal when requested but not with the recommendation as “of good standing.”
- Any inactive member who desires to be restored as an active member may do so by becoming an active member as set forth in Article I, Section 2 above.
- A committee of the Church Clerk, Financial Secretary, Church Secretary, and one Deacon, in consultation with the Pastor, shall examine the rolls at least once a year to determine the inactive membership.
Section 1. Election and Expectations
- Election of Office
- Any member in good standing may serve on any board in the Church. The Officer is to be elected from the Church membership at the Annual Meeting in November. The new officer will have the opportunity to attend one meeting prior to taking office in January.
- The Officer is to be elected to serve for a three-year term and can hold that office not more than two consecutive terms unless specifically noted elsewhere in the bylaws.
- The newly elected Officer is to assume the duties of his or her office on the first of January and continue until December 31st of the third year; at which point a new officer will have been elected.
- Having completed his/her term, the Officer cannot be considered eligible for re-election to the same Officer position for at least one year.
Section 2. Moderator
- The Moderator is to perform the following duties:
- Preside at all business meetings of the Church except the reception and granting of letters of transfer or dismissal at regular meetings.
- While in absentia, he or she shall appoint an acting Moderator to preside over any Church business meetings.
- Is considered an ex-officio advisor to all Church committees and boards, and at his or her convenience, may attend their meetings and present or discuss any item of business.
- Has the authority to sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.
Section 3. Church Clerk
- The Church Clerk is to perform the following duties:
- Maintain correct records of all the business of the Church.
- Notify all persons entitled to notice of such proceedings or any part of them.
- Keep a correct list of members and their addresses.
- Record the names of those coming forward for membership in the worship services, as well as send and receive letters of transfer.
- Preserve all papers coming in to him/her as Clerk.
- Turn over to his/her successor all records, lists, and papers belonging to this office.
- A copy of all business-meetings minutes shall be filed in the Church office.
Section 4. Treasurer
- The Treasurer is to perform the following duties:
- Be in charge of all the funds of the Church.
- Keep a true account of the same.
- Pay out such amounts as have been scheduled as regular appropriations.
- The Treasurer’s books are to be audited before the annual meeting.
- Promptly turn over to his/her successor all funds, accounts and vouchers belonging to this office.
Section 5. Superintendent of the Church School/Sunday School (Pastor)
- The Superintendent of the Church School is to perform the following duties:
- Have general supervision of all departments of the Church School.
- Select teachers and leaders for the Church School from the membership of the Church with the approval of the Board of Deacons.
Section 5. Head Usher
- The Head Usher is to recruit members to perform the following duties
- Greet those who arrive and assist them as needed.
- Be in charge of the seating and comfort of the congregation.
- Conduct the duties as required for the collection of the offering.
- Other duties as shall be required at the worship services and public gatherings of the Church.
- Keep an accurate account of the number of people present in the Sunday morning worship service.
- The Head usher is to coordinate a schedule to ensure a sufficient number of ushers are present to greet and receive the offering at every service.
Section 6. Events Coordinator
- The Program Coordinator is to perform the following duties:
- Appoint a coordinator for all program events
- Responsible for a survey of the membership each year to find the tasks each member is willing to do for the coming year.
- Any other survey he/she feels necessary may be taken at any time of the year. The results shall be made known to the Church and the names given to the proper chairperson.
Section 1. Boards and Committees
- The Church has the following Boards and Committees
- Committees
- Executive Committee
- Worship Committee
- Pulpit Committee
- Pastoral Relations Committee
- Finance Committee
- Nominating Committee
- vii.Miscellaneous Committees
- Boards
- Board of Deacons
- Board of Trustees
- Board of Christian Education
- Board of Mission/Evangelism
- Auxiliary Organizations
Section 1. Common Criteria
- Each Board shall consist of a minimum of five members. Additional members shall be determined by the Church on recommendation of each Board upon 30-days notice.
- Each board or committee will elect its own chair, vice chair and scribe as necessary or unless otherwise specifically stated herein.
- Election of office.
- The members are to be elected from the Church membership at the Annual Meeting in November. New officers will have the opportunity to participate in one meeting before taking office in January.
- One-third of the members are to be elected each year for a three-year term.
- The newly elected member is to assume the duties of his or her office on the first of January, and continue until December 31st of the third year of office.
- A member can hold up to, but not more than, two consecutive terms unless otherwise specifically noted.
- Having completed such terms, a member cannot be considered eligible for re-election to the same board for at least one year unless all attempts at identifying a replacement have failed.
- The Nominating Committee should seek to ensure each board reflects the diversity of the Church and is representative of the entire Church.
- The Chairperson of each board shall serve on the Executive Committee. One member from each board shall serve on the nominating committee, and one member from each board shall serve on the Finance Committee.
- Regular attendance is expected of any and all board members. If a board member fails to attend three or more scheduled board meetings, there will be a review conducted by that individual board to determine continued eligibility and membership on that board. If the board determines that the member is not meeting membership requirements, that individual board can vote to remove that person from the board. At that time, a request will be submitted to the Nominating Committee to conduct exploration for a replacement board member.
Section 2. Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee is to consist of the following:
- Moderator
- Executive heads of the following.
- Board of Deacons
- Board of Trustees
- Board of Mission Evangelism
- The heads of other major Church organizations designated by the Board of Deacons
- Church Clerk
- Event Coordinator
- Superintendent of Church School
- The Executive Committee is to meet at the call of the Pastor, Moderator, or any three of its members and advise in the best interests of the Church.
Section 3. Worship Committee
- The Worship Committee is to consist of the following:
- The Pastor(s)
- One member from and by each of the following groups:
- Board of Deacons
- The Worship Committee shall be responsible for planning the program for all formal worship services of this Church, coordinating with the Board of Deacons, The Board of Music, the Head Usher, or other entities as needed.
Section 4. Pulpit Committee
- In case of a vacancy in the pulpit, the Executive Committee shall appoint the Pulpit Committee of seven members.
- The Executive Committee should seek to ensure the Pulpit Committee reflects the diversity of the Church and is representative of the entire Church body.
- The Pulpit Committee is to work toward securing a new Pastor.
- The Pulpit Committee is to cooperate with the Board of Deacons in supplying the pulpit.
Section 5. Pastoral Relations Board
- At the Annual Meeting in November, the Executive Committee shall appoint a committee of seven members.
- The Pastoral Relations Board is to consist of the following:
- One member representative of the following boards:
- Board of Deacons
- Board of Trustees
- Board of Christian Education
- Board of Mission/Evangelism
- Two representatives from the congregation at large, appointed by the Executive Committee.
- The Pastoral Relations Committee is to foster constructive communication between the Pastor and the congregation.
- The Pastoral Relations Committee is to review and evaluate, at least once each year, the leadership of the Pastor.
- The membership of the Board will select their own chairperson.
Section 6. Finance Committee
- The Finance Committee is to consist of the following:
- Elected Chairperson
- One member representing each of the following groups:
- Board of Deacons
- Board of Trustees
- Board of Christian Education
- Board of Mission/Evangelism
- The heads of other major Church organizations designated by the Board of Deacons.
- They shall be selected by the various groups before the Annual Church Business Meeting and shall serve for the following year or until their successors are elected.
- This committee is to have charge of the finances of the church.
- They are to prepare and present a budget of expenses for the coming year before the Annual Business Meeting.
- They are to devise a plan of finance, and make such recommendations as they may agree upon.
- They are to report the financial condition of the Church at regular business meetings or as often as they deem necessary.
Section 7. Nominating Committee
- The Nominating Committee is to consist of the following:
- One member elected by and from each of the following groups:
- Board of Deacons
- Board of Trustees
- Board of Christian Education
- Board of Mission/Evangelism
- The heads of other major Church organizations designated by the Board of Deacons.
- One representative from the congregation at large, appointed by the Executive Committee.
- This committee shall be selected at least sixty (60) days (September) before the Annual Election and shall serve for one year or until such time as a new committee is elected.
- The representative from the Board of Deacons shall call this committee together and they shall then select their own Chairperson.
- On the first and second Sundays in October, immediately following the worship service, the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates for office.
- Nominations may be made from the floor at this time.
- In case of a vacancy in an office during the year, the Nominating Committee shall present to the Church a candidate who, upon election by the Church, shall fill the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 8. Miscellaneous Committees
Committees appointed by the various Boards shall be considered as Church Committees.
Section 9. Board of Deacons
- The Board of Deacons is to perform the following duties:
- Care for the poor of the Church; for that purpose they have charge of the Deacon’s fund.
- In the absence of the Pastor, the Board of Deacons is to act as pulpit supply committee.
- Assist in the administration of the ordinances of the Church (Communion and Baptism), and to confer and cooperate with the Pastor.
- Name a representative to serve on the Worship Committee.
- Name coordinators for the following;
- Prayer chain
- Prayer partners
- Service to the elderly
- Visitation of Church absentees
- Visitation of new comers
- Visitation of shut-ins
- Appoint a Baptismal Committee prior to each Annual Business Meeting.
- The committee is to consist of two members
- One man
- One woman
- The Baptismal Committee is to assist candidates for baptism on the day of their baptism throughout the term of appointment.
- Administer the Deacon’s Fund.
Section 10. Board of Trustees
- Duties – The Board of Trustees is to perform the following duties:
- Supervise the acquisition of disposal of all property, buildings and equipment of the Church.
- Supervise the maintenance of all property, equipment, buildings, and grounds.
- Develop and implement usage policy of all Church property, buildings, and equipment.
- Develop and implement an all-hazards safety plan for the Church.
- Determine the need for and recommend the purchase of any equipment or property needed to carry out the Board’s responsibilities.
- Appoint ad hoc task forces to carry out specific programs within its areas of responsibility.
- Provide a trained operator for the audio and video systems.
- The annual budget, upon adoption of the Church, is to be sufficient warranty for the Board of Trustees to expend money up to the amounts thus agreed upon. Any proposed expenditure(s) of unbudgeted money in excess of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars shall be discussed and approved at a monthly business meeting.
- Only contracts and/or other legal documents which have been approved by official Church action may be signed on behalf of the Church. All such documents shall be signed by the Chair or co-chair of the Board of Trustees or in the absence of the Chairperson, by the Chairperson of the Board of Deacons unless the Church by official action designates otherwise.
- Authorize all disbursement of all funds in the name of the Church.
- Direct supervisor of the secretary.
- The discipline and hiring of this position are the responsibility of the committee.
- The compensating of this position is the responsibility of the committee.
- Direct supervisor of the Custodian/Maintenance Personnel.
- The discipline and hiring of this position are the responsibility of the committee.
- The compensating of this position is the responsibility of the committee.
- Set their own time of meetings and are responsible for their agenda.
Section 11. Board of Christian Education
- Duties – The Board of Christian Education is to perform the following duties:
- Plan and support the spiritual and intellectual growth of our Church and those it serves.
- One member representing each of the following groups:
- Board of Deacons
- Board of Trustees
- Board of Christian Education
- Board of Mission/Evangelism
- The heads of other major Church organizations designated by the Board of Deacons.
- Appoint leadership and develop, plan, promote, and supervise the training and educational interest of the Church including the following:
- Adult Education
- Children/Youth Education
- Camps and Conferences
- Church School
- Nursery
- Stewardship Education
- vii.Leadership Training
- viii.Vacation Bible School
- XYZ Activities
- Teacher Training
- Other programs
- Supervise the purchase, distribution, and use of educational supplies.
- Provide sexual abuse training for all volunteer workers.
- Appoint a Bulletin Board Committee prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
- One person shall be appointed to have charge of placing all displays on the bulletin board.
- Appoint a Nursery Committee prior to the Annual Business Meeting
- The Nursery Committee is to consist of two members.
- The Nursery Committee is responsible for the operation of the nursery and securing competent attendants.
- The committee is to be responsible for staffing the nursery during the following services.
- All regular and special worship services.
- The Church School
- Any other service that a Nursery Attendant is required.
- Normally, only children under five (5) may be left in the nursery.
Section 12. Board of Mission/Evangelism?
- Duties – The Board of Mission/Evangelism is to perform the following duties:
- Oversee the missions program of the Church through education and developing within the congregation a sense of social concern.
- Establish and promote special mission financial goals, especially those related to the four primary ABC special offerings: America for Christ (AFC), World Mission Offering (WM), Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO), and One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS).
- They shall cooperate with the Pastor in establishing special Mission emphases which may include ABC missionaries and a local missions focus.
Section 14. Auxiliary Organizations
The Presidents of the various auxiliary organizations of the Church (e.g. Food Pantry) need not be active members of the Church and shall be elected by a majority vote of these organizations.
Section 1. Annual Elections
- The annual election of Officers shall be held at the Annual Business Meeting in November.
- Elections shall be by open vote unless ballots are requested by any active member of the congregation.
- No one shall hold more than two elected offices at the same time unless all attempts at identifying a new member have been exhausted.
Section 2. Eligible to Vote
- The right to vote in Church affairs shall be vested in its active adult members.
- Members whose names are on the inactive membership list, or who are not present, may not be voting member.
Section 1. Pastor
- The Pastor, chosen by the Church, whose duties are defined in the Epistles of Timothy and Titus, shall conduct the worship services of the Church.
- He/she shall receive such compensation for his/her services as he/she and the Church agree upon.
- The Pastor shall be considered an ex-officio advisor to all Church committees and boards, and at his/her convenience, may attend their meetings and present or discuss any item of business.
Section 2. Election of Pastor
- A vote by ballot of three-fourths of the active adult members present shall be necessary to constitute an election of a Pastor.
- Election of the Pastor shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose.
- Public notice shall be given from the pulpit at a regular Lord’s Day service, at least two consecutive weeks previous to the vote.
- The Pastor, when called, shall be elected for an indefinite period.
Section 3. Termination of Pastor
- The pastoral relation may be dissolved by the pastor or the Church upon thirty (30) days notice, unless a shorter time is agreed upon by mutual consent of Pastor and the Church.
- Should the Church desire a termination of the pastoral relation, the Chairperson of the Board of Deacons shall call for a special business meeting by order of two-thirds of the Board of Deacons.
- Public notice of said meeting and its purpose must be read at two consecutive Sunday morning worship services immediately previous to such a meeting.
- A ballot for dismissal by three-fourths of the active adult members present shall be necessary for dismissal of the Pastor.
- Consideration shall be made for at least two month of severance pay.
Section 1. Devotional Meetings
- Divine worship and preaching of the Gospel on the Lord’s Day.
- A study of the Bible on the Lord’s Day under the name of the Church School.
- Mid-week meeting for prayer and Bible study.
- The Lord’s Supper shall be observed the first Sunday of each month unless otherwise directed by the Pastor in consultation with the Board of Deacons.
- An auxiliary organization meeting as determined by those in charge.
- The Pastor, by and with the consent of the Deacons, may hold other devotional meetings.
Section 2. Business Meetings
- The Annual Business Meeting shall be the third Sunday in November.
- Monthly Business Meetings shall be held the third Sunday immediately following Church service.
- At the regular business meetings there are to be written reports from the following:
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Pastor
- All Boards, Committees, and Auxiliary Organizations of the Church.
- Such other business as may properly belong to this Church shall be in order.
- Quorum
- Those present at the business meeting shall constitute a quorum.
- An affirmative vote of the majority of the quorum of the members present is required to pass any motion.
- Special Business
- Meetings for special business may be called at any time by the Pastor, Moderator, or any five officers of the Church.
- Due notice is to be given from the pulpit at a regular Lord’s Day Service, at least three days in advance.
- At special meetings, only the matters mentioned in the notice are to be considered.
Section 3. Voting
Members 16 years of age and older in good standing may participate in congregational voting.
Inactive members are excluded from voting.
The Church Clerk shall supply a current active membership list to the Moderator before the Business Meeting and Special Business Meeting.
Unless stipulated elsewhere, votes pass with a simple majority of members present.
The following situations are to be presented to the congregation for decision:
Affirmation or removal of Ministry staff
Affirmation or removal of a Deacon
Affirmation of Church Officers
Admission or removal of a member
Approval of the annual Church budget
Any action which affects the Church’s indebtedness in excess of 5% of approved budget.
Acquisition of real property
Disposition of any substantial assets of the Church
Any action which affects the Church’s affiliation (requires 2/3 majority for approval.
Amendments to the Constitution, Church Covenant, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.
Other matters in which the Deacon Board deems prudent to seek the advice and counsel of the congregation.
Section 4. Rules of Order
Parliamentary questions shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 1. Unified Budget
- The Church shall operate under the Unified Budget System.
- Regular offerings shall be taken at Sunday morning services and at the Church School.
- The Budget shall be divided between local expenses and benevolences as the Church may direct.
Section 2. Special Offerings
Special offerings for other projects may be taken only with the concurrence of the Deacons.
Section 3. Deacon’s Fund
- In connection with the observance of the Lord’s Supper, an offering shall be taken to meet emergency needs.
- The Deacons shall have charge of this fund.
Section 1. Rules for Amendments
Amendments to these bylaws are adopted by a 2/3 vote of the active adult members present and voting at a duly called meeting, provided that the following criteria are met:
- The proposed amendments are to be read from the pulpit at least two Sundays prior to the monthly meeting at which the amendments will be discussed.
- The proposed amendments will be discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Church.
- The proposed amendments will be voted on at the following monthly meeting of the Church (1 month later).
Section 2.
These bylaws go into effect on December 1, 2021. The Executive Committee shall review the Constitution and Bylaws annually and recommend amendments as appropriate.